Customs representation - agency and brokerage

The Customs Department of Quick Cargo Bulgaria Ltd. offers direct customs representation before the Sofia Customs Office, TCA Sofia and the adjoining customs offices and customs posts, as well as mediation for representation before all customs offices of the Republic of Bulgaria. By maintaining close professional relationship with customs offices and correctly prepared documents, we manage to perform fast and efficient customs formalities as soon as possible in clearing the goods.

The Customs Department of Quick Cargo Bulgaria Ltd. offers complex customs representation for:

• Customs regime of import of goods

• Customs regime of export of goods

• EORI number issuance

• Security by a common bank guarantee on Customs TRANSIT regime of goods within the country and the European Union

• Customs warehousing

• Processing under customs control

• Temporary import

• Temporary export

• Destruction of goods

• Abandonment of goods in favor of the state.

If you need the services of customs representation, please contact us. The team of Quick Cargo Bulgaria is at your service.

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