
Sofia Airport registered an increase of processed goods in 201621.03.2016
Sofia Airport registered an increase of...

There are 2974 tons of processed goods for January and February 2016 – an increase of 12% which sustained positive trend in the freight flow.  The regular passenger lines reserve their l...

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Logistics ceners in Europe stimulated by online trading14.03.2016
Logistics ceners in Europe stimulated by...

     The rapid development of online retailers leads to changes in the market for warehouse space in Europe, which include the merger of logistics operators, bigger stores and larger in...

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Transportation to leading european exhibitions07.03.2016
Transportation to leading european exhib...

    Quick Cargo Bulgaria offers transport and delivery to stand for leading exhibitions in Europe, Asia and Bulgaria. As a part of this service we submit a list of these exhibitions between...

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Bulgaria’s exports is above 45 bln for the first time15.02.2016
Bulgaria’s exports is above 45 bln for t...

     After a decline in 2014 exports of Bulgarian goods it is growing again. The annual increase was 5,2% - exceeding 45 for the first time according to NSI. The majority of thi...

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